
Circlo Inc. values your privacy. We do not sell user or member information. We do not reveal user or member information to other parties in a way that can reasonably identify individual identity or information.

We collect data to use in the delivery of our services and for marketing purposes. By accessing Circlo Inc. services or providing us data, you agree we may use and collect data as described here or as communicated to you. The Circlo platform is secure and data is stored on secure servers in the EU.

Concerning members, we collect information and data:

  • that you supply as a member of Circlo or when you use Circlo services;
  • about your e-commerce and barter transactions and communications with other members;
  • as required by law.

The data we collect is:

  • data you post on or send via Circlo, and/or send us directly or via other sites;
  • transaction data executed on the Circlo platform;
  • communications by members using the Circlo messaging system;
  • data you submit or provide such as name, address, email, website URL, social media URL, phone, fax, photos, business identification;
  • data you submit when you complete surveys and enter promotional codes.

For members with barter accounts, the data we collect also includes:

  • credit card, debit card and bank account data, which is transmitted to Stripe, Circlo's payment fullfillment provider, via SSL security protocol. This data is not accessed or stored by Circlo. It is stored by Stripe which masks the data you provide so that it is not visible to Circlo administration;
  • your computer’s IP address.

As a member, you can make changes to your information by using your Circlo member account. Members and former members can permanently remove their information from the Circlo database by making a request to the administator at . As certain information is necessary for proper membership functioning, this can necessitate the termination of membership.

For concerns related to privacy, contact .